4.0 ( 2480 ratings )

Not for Customers. If you are a HOTELIER Login to get non refundable customers.
On travelspice ® Quote Your Deal platform, customers Quote their deal price for hotel rooms by selecting a general location, star rating and price; the hotel (as well as the exact location) is disclosed only after the purchase has gone through, and hotealiers confirm through travelspice Hotel Manager app, with no rights to cancel.
Using travelspice Hotel Manager:
* Bid for the guaranteed customer by quoting hotel required price above or below customers quoted deal price.
* Bid has to be placed in less than 3 hours after customer pops up in travelpsice Hotel Manager App.
* Increase hotel occupancy by 10%.
* Sell hotel inventory without lowering prices through traditional sales channels.
* The amount you receive is higher amount quoted by the next higher bidder.
- e.g., you quote Rs. 550/- per room per night. The next higher bid for customer is Rs. 1050/-.
- You will receive Rs. 1040/- PLUS applicable taxes.
Learn how to sign up, give feedback and leave the program by calling our 24x7 Help Center: +91 1800 425 8747 or email bids [at] travelspice . com